LinkedIn Checklist - For a Professional Profile

Whether you're searching for a job or you would like to optimize your LinkedIn profile, to make it more professional, here is a checklist to follow:


To stand out on LinkedIn, make sure you are optimizing your profile to make the most of all the features available.

Here are a few tips to help you get started!

  1. Create a compelling HEADLINE and have a professional profile picture.

    The best PROFILE PICTURE is to have a head-shot showing your face with a simple smile :)

  2. Write an effective SUMMARY using relevant keywords to your field, industry, and what you do.

    This will optimize your profile visibility and have better chances to be found easily by professionals and recruiters.

    Let the summary include a brief and catchy description of your professional experience, highlighting your achievements, special projects you were part of, and other information that can show the value behind your profile and background.

  3. Put a strategy for accepting and sending connection requests. Make sure to connect with people in your industry. Share experiences, connect and grow.

  4. Instead of just listing the job positions occupied, make sure to include actual accomplishments and values given in those roles.

    Add more details about your daily tasks, activities, and projects. What kind of campaigns did you work on and how was the experience from strategy to results.

  5. Use LinkedIn as a tool for building powerful relationships and demonstrating expertise, instead of just using it as a digital CV.

  6. Stay active and post industry insights on a regular basis to keep yourself and others involved.

Enjoy applying the above points listed and monitor the results closely. You will get surprised how being simply professional and active can make changes!